Monday, February 2, 2009

brass split and shirts.....

i think we are going to kick it with the hbog news first, the split 7" with the brass is here, the cover art is essentially done, we should have the covers soon, this means the singles set should be shipping about mid month, this also means i will be posting preorders for just the 7" (in other words not the box set) either tonight or tomm, so head over to the store if you want one. we don't have that many copies.

we are all out of hbog euro tour sets, and i only have 4 singles box sets left, so order now, like now, like last minute now,

in saddest landscape news, we finally have shirts, sort of, the shirts are for all of you who ordered them with your discography preorder, so those of you who got your order but were missing your shirt, those will ship this week, so look for them soon,
for everyone else the only way to get a shirt is to come out to one of the reunion shows later this month,

in other news we will be posting the 5 winners of the tsl test press contest hopefully tonight.

anyone who sends me either use your illusion I or II on vinyl (reissues are fine) will get a fancy tsl/hbog prize pack. no joke.